This page is made to assist you in preparing a tender invitation for a Battery Monitoring system.
There are many companies claiming that they can supply equipment for monitoring batteries. However, some of them
offer systems that are not safe to install or use, or simply just don't offer the expected functionality. Is it
therefore necessary to make a detailed specification of what is expected from the BMS prior to purchase or
requesting a quotation.
This 'Tender Specification Sheet' is an example that can be used as a template for most BMS applications, you may
enter your own Reference Number & System Name to identify this tender.
The Basic Requirements section lists absolute minimum requirements that all
Battery Monitoring Systems (BMS) should comply with to provide an acceptable level of safety and functionality.
The Additional Hardware & Software Requirements section lists features that normally would be desired
in a BMS.
Under Special Requirements you may add any other requirements you may have for the BMS.
For example: One pilot cell temperature shall be measured in each string. IP65 enclosures
shall be used for all equipment located in the battery room.
Edit the List of batteries to be monitored to reflect the configuration of
your site. Each row describes one battery, you may specify up to 15 batteries.
Note that the term 'Battery' refers to a complete set of Strings x Block/Cells. A typical UPS Battery
may comprise 2 strings with 192 Cells in each.
(Some would say 'jar' instead of 'Block' and 'Bank' instead of 'String'.)
In the 'Battery Description' field you may enter any text that describes the battery.
For example: UPS#1 2x192 OPZs 2v400Ah
In the 'Strings in battery' field: enter the number of strings in the battery, usually between 1 and 8.
For example: 2
In the 'Block/Cells per string' field: enter the number of voltage measuring points per string, usually between 4 and 240.
For example: 192
A Block may comprise one or more cells, if individual cells cannot be measured you must enter the number of Blocks in a string.
When individual cells can be measured you may enter either number of Blocks OR number of Cells in a string.
Use the Printer Friendly Version-button to show this page as a clean 'Tender Specification Sheet' that can be
printed and used for a Tender Invitation or to request a quotation from any vendor.
Use the Request for Quote-button to request a quotation for a Batscan System.