Compare Batscan to other battery monitoring systems
We sometimes get questions about what differentiates Batscan from other monitoring systems.
The answer can be a long list of details and technical specifications, but the real answer
is found in the philosophy behind Batscan that can be summarized in a few points:
- If it can't be done safely, it is better to refrain from monitoring your batteries.
- Data acquisition must be synchronous and high performance.
- Monitoring must be a independent from controlling.
- User interface must be simple to the novice, with extensive features for the expert.
Batscan Characteristics
Other battery monitoring (management) systems
- 2MΩ protective resistor at all battery connections
Makes the installation safe for people and the batteries.
Measuring wires are safe to touch, and safe to short toghether or to ground
without any risk for sparks or heat generation.
- No, or too small, resistor at the battery connections
Makes the monitoring system itself a high risk factor.
Measuring wires are hazardous to touch, and shorts can cause fire and
explosions. Simple fuses and low value resistors (less than 50kΩ) only protects
measuring wires from melting, it does prevent fatal chocks and sparks.
- Advanced signal processing
Simultaneous sampling of all channels - all cell voltage values are valid at
the same current and are therefore comparable.
Fast measuring cycle loop - allows capture of vital battery data during UPS
battery test, periodic generator test, and power outage.
- Simple data acquisition system
Sequential measuring though the channels one by one - cell voltage values may
be measured at different current and can not be compared.
Slow measuring cycle loop - important battery data is missed during short events.
- True Monitoring only
High performance synchronous data acquisition captures all variations in the
battery parameters. Batscan always run in full speed sampling mode. All results
from any Battery discharge or test are recorded, whether manually controlled or
automatically initiated by other equipment. A fault in the BMS cannot affect the battery.
- Controlling & Measuring
Simple so called Battery Management Systems attempts to detect defective
cells by controlling the current trough them between two measurements. This has
several disadvantages; is not very sensitive, it requires direct connection to
the battery, and a fault in the BMS can completely destroy the battery.
- User friendly PC based software
Powerful graphical user interface.
Virtually unlimited computation power, storage space, connectivity etc.
Easily upgradeable.
- Specialized central unit
Unfamiliar and limited feature user interface.
Limited computation power, storage space, connectivity etc.
Difficult to upgrade.