Batscan Battery Monitoring System
Batscan is an advanced system for continuous monitoring of batteries in
vital reserve power units.
When power failure is not an option. |
This battery did not have Batscan installed. |
In September 17, 1991, a failed AT&T switching station in New York
put both Wall Street and the New York Stock Exchange out of business
for an entire day, with an estimated loss of billions of dollars
in trading value. The failure resulted in 4.5 million blocked domestic
long distance calls, nearly 500,000 interrupted international calls,
and the loss of 80 percent of the Federal Aviation Administration's
This incident gave birth to the world's most advanced battery monitoring
system - Batscan. In order to prevent further incidents AT&T started
developing a system capable of monitoring batteries in central offices.
At the same time, the company also searched for similar systems worldwide.
In March, 1992 AT&T came in contact with a Swedish company
called Techtrade. Techtrade already had an advanced battery monitoring
system that matched AT&Ts specifications. At this stage AT&T
discontinued its own development and bought a license to use Techtrade's system.
A joint development effort was made between Techtrade and AT&T.
The goal was to further develop a battery monitoring system specifically customized
for controllers in central offices.
Within a period of 6 months AT&T's controller, GALAXY was sold with an integrated
Batscan battery monitoring system. Since then, Techtrade's Batscan
has been further developed and adjusted towards new technologies.